The “Main” pane
This is where you choose the standard options for Wapp pro's menu. Menu position You have three different positions for Wapp pro's menu inside the menu bar :
Or, you can use it only as a popup menu. For more popup menu options, see the Popup pane. Standard Wapp pro's menu : NB : The position "left to the Apple Menu" is not compatible with FaxSTF 5&6 and with AMICO. Embedded in the Applications menu If this option is checked, then every application in the Finder applications menu will display its opened windows in a submenu. Changes to this feature will not take effect until you reboot. NB 1: the commands Quit All, Hide All, Quit Others, Hide Others cannot be added to the Finder applications menu. NB 2: don't use this feature with Action Menus. Applications menu with the Embedded feature : List running applications in the menubar : If this option is checked, Wapp pro will display, next to the Help menu, the icons of all the running applications : Clicking on an application's icon will switch to that application. Clicking and holding will display a menu (like on the picture above) with this application's windows to switch between them. Sort applications by : Position : Hilite front application : Allow drag&drop : TIPS :