main.htmlTEXTGoMkx╕╟╨╕╟╨üü│Ñ The General pane
The “Main” pane

    This is where you choose the standard options for Wapp pro's menu.

Menu position

    You have three different positions for Wapp pro's menu inside the menu bar :

    • To the left of the Help menu
    • To the left the Apple menu
    • On the right side of the menu bar

    Or, you can use it only as a popup menu. For more popup menu options, see the Popup pane.

Standard Wapp pro's menu :

    NB : The position "left to the Apple Menu" is not compatible with FaxSTF 5&6 and with AMICO.

Embedded in the Applications menu

    If this option is checked, then every application in the Finder applications menu will display its opened windows in a submenu. Changes to this feature will not take effect until you reboot.

    NB 1: the commands Quit All, Hide All, Quit Others, Hide Others cannot be added to the Finder applications menu.

    NB 2: don't use this feature with Action Menus.

Applications menu with the Embedded feature :

List running applications in the menubar :

    If this option is checked, Wapp pro will display, next to the Help menu, the icons of all the running applications :

    Clicking on an application's icon will switch to that application. Clicking and holding will display a menu (like on the picture above) with this application's windows to switch between them.

    Sort applications by :
    A popup menu lets you choose if you want the applications to be sorted alphabetically (like in Wapp pro's menu) or by launch order.

    Position :
    Four buttons let you choose the position of the application-switcher in the menubar.

    Hilite front application :
    Choose here whether you want to hilite the front application's icon or not.

    Allow drag&drop :
    By default drag&drop onto icons in the menubar is enabled. You can choose to disable it if it's incompatible with some third-party extensions.

    TIPS :
    • If the application-switcher is not set to be "Next to the Help menu", you can adjust its position easily: click on the handle next to the icons ( ), then grab&drag the application-switcher
    • You can display a contextual menu to change the sorting mode, and the position : control-click on the handle to display the menu :

Next pane : Windows

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